Sunday, February 22, 2009

LOST: Season 5, My thoughts *Spoilers*

This season of LOST has been an amazing turn for the show. Don't get me wrong, the entire series is amazing; however, this season has been filled with non stop action and major developments every episode. This is where things get interesting folks! With what appears to be the return of the Oceanic 6, another plane crash (more on that in a minute), Jin wearing Dharma apparel, and what appears to be inevitable : The resurrection of John Locke. 

First things first, the return of the 06 to the island. This is huge, mainly because I thought it would take them more than five episodes! Now the real question is, who got sent back to Dharma time, and who didn't. I'm willing to bet all of the 06, Ben, and possibly Frank got sent back, and the rest of the plane crashed on the island in what I will call "Normal Time". "Normal Time" is the present, completely free of any time travel. So that would mean they crashed on the Island roughly three years after the original plane crash in Season 1. Remember that "Ajira Air" stuff we saw a few episodes back when Faraday and everyone else stole the rafts they found. I think that was the future, and was all the people who crashed on the flight that brought the 06 back.

Now for the important part : John Locke. Why is Locke so special? I still am not sure if Locke is the key to the mystery of the Island, or just another bystander being used as a pawn in the grander scheme of things. If John truly does come back to life, what is in store for him? That truly sets John up as the Christ like character of this story. I loved the reference Ben gave in the last episode about St. thomas (i believe), being remembered for speaking against the resurrection of Christ because he did not believe. That is until he saw Christ and could touch his wounds, and then he believed. I believe that once Jack see's Locke alive, he too will become a believer, transforming from a man of science to a man of Faith.

Well before I get too wordy, I think this should be enough food for thought until next time. Ponder on these questions, but remember that for every one question they answer on LOST, three more arise. Thanks for reading


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