Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Guild Music Video

Hey All,

Recently stumbled upon this and I love it! (well the Guild, and maybe Felicia Day lol).
No I don't play any sort of MMO, but I have dabbled in a few in previously.
Let's just say I am not much for WoW or anything else out on the market currently.

With that being said, let me show you an MMO I am truly excited for, and will end up paying
the monthly fee to play. Here it is:

Now that looks like a game I am going to invest some hours in. Hopefully it is better than Star Wars: Galaxies. It's made by Bioware
though, and I just don't see them messing things up. I have faith in you Bioware, don't let me down :)

So I have some free time over the next day or so as I wait for school to start.
Expect a few mini posts like this, I have found a bunch of new video
content I feel like sharing. Have a good one guys


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