So much has changed since our last meeting! I am now a member of the freelance community! That means that I got laid off and am exploring my many options of what I can do with my life for the last semester that I am considered an Undergrad. I love it! I get to work from home, usually my couch, which has been a dream of mine since I was but a youth. But seriously, I am actually enjoying it and it is panning out which is always a plus. I have two steady clients in my first month and a half of doing this gig and I have two more on the horizon.
Now you may be asking, what exactly do you do? I am a freelance social media and public relations consultant; though I have primarily been working in the social media realm. I create and manage social media accounts for businesses. This means that I am the one putting together Facebook and Twitter accounts, as well as blogs for a company. I actually think I found the job that I was born to do. It gives me plenty of time to manage my life around my work; I get plenty of time for the gym and for my friends and I get to work at my convenience. I love it. Seriously though, have I said it enough yet?
As always, much to come. I have many new ideas that I can actually work on now that I am not taking 19 credits and working in an office. So, let's see if I can make some use of this newly found free time. Thanks for tuning in - I hope you will check back.
Eternally yours Internet,
The Digital Drifter